The Consortium reports on the Asian markets from Asia Fruit Logistica  

BOLZANO, 9 September 2024 – The ability to build international partnerships, a wide assortment of products and brands available all 12 months of the year and the expertise to reach even the most distant markets: these are the factors behind the growth of VOG – Home of apples in Asian countries. 

These markets are important for VOG, a fact reflected by its participation at the recent Asia Fruit Logistica in Hong Kong in collaboration with other international players, on two different stands. While the FROM stand grouped together the leading producers from the Italian Alps, with the International Pome Fruit Alliance VOG featured alongside partners from Australia, New Zealand, Chile and South Africa. 

“Our partnerships with IPA, FROM and the many other international associates we met in Hong Kong are key,” explained VOG Marketing Manager Hannes Tauber. ”They represent a shared commitment to growing the apple category at the global level, at a time when both markets and consumption trends are evolving fast.” 

“Turning to the Asian destinations in particular,” Mr Tauber added, “these countries each have specific preferences and requirements, so it’s important to attend events like Asia Fruit Logistica, listen to the players working on these markets at first hand and join forces with our partners to build the future of the apple.” 

Markets and brands  

Apart from the Middle East, a nearby destination and a major hub for the continent, the main Asian markets for VOG’s apples are India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Taiwan. 

“Taking our product to Asia implies challenges, but we’ve succeeded in growing on these markets and we’re working to get access for our apples to China and Indonesia, too,” comments VOG Sales Manager Klaus Hölzl. ”Of the countries where we’re already present, India, which has increased its apple imports, and Thailand, where we’ve done some great work with the Marlene® brand, are particularly important.” 

Amongst the varieties, RedPop® continues to be a hit: with its sweetness and resistance and its brand identity, it has proved especially popular in various Asian destinations ever since its debut. Giga®, the mighty apple for sharing, is expanding above all in markets that like larger-sized fruit, such as Taiwan. The other most popular apple varieties are Gala, Granny Smith, Pink Lady® and Joya®

“We’ve been working effectively on these destinations for many years, Mr Hölzl concludes, “and this has laid the foundations for further expansion. Our assortment will be crucial in future growth because it enables us to meet the needs even of markets very different from the European one, for all 12 months of the year.”