There’s a place where friendship starts with a great cup of coffee…and that place is Portugal!

The ”Portuguese Coffee – a blend of stories®” is an institutional brand from the Portuguese Roasters Association (AICC) that represents all the coffee made in Portugal according to its own tradition.

The “Portuguese Coffee” is recognized by a set of unique characteristics. It is a high quality coffee with its own culture with as much of originality as tradition.

The history of Coffee starts with the Portuguese, when they introduced the coffee around the world in the 18th century. As a result, Portugal is amongst the countries with the best knowledge of all roasting and coffee blending processes. Portugal is at the forefront of the coffee industry.

The ”Portuguese Coffee – a blend of stories®” is known by its blends:


• The richness of Portuguese Coffee and its history;
• The Portuguese culture and coffee heritage;
• The differentiating experience;
• Easily identify a coffee made in Portugal according to its own tradition;
• Easily identify a Portuguese Coffee brand;
• Ensure the specific characteristics of Portuguese Coffee, such as is unique cream.


The Portuguese drink coffee as a pleasure but also as an excuse to meet friends and “talk a bit”.

The Portuguese usually drink espresso, mostly out of home. Espresso is so important to us that we also spell it as a Portuguese word: “EXPRESSO” instead of ESPRESSO!


The Portuguese espresso is generally obtained from a blend of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans in a slow roast process. The result is a hazelnut-colored cream, dense and a well-balanced coffee and a sensory experience that tends to linger in the mouth and thus creates a powerful consumer memory. It is characterized by an enormous aromatic complexity, by a gentle acidity, for a remarkable balance of flavors and a pleasant and persistent aftertaste. 

For the Portuguese, coffee is more then a drink, is an emotional moment to share. And we want to share these moments with the rest of the world.

Know more at:


AICC – Associação Industrial e Comercial do Café

Rua Eng. Ferreira Dias, 415      4100 – 247 Porto,  Portugal


Telef.: +351 91 959 05 69