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Algerian Diplomacy and Its Role in Advocating for Oppressed Nations

By Riad Beladi

Algeria’s diplomatic efforts have long been characterised by a staunch defence of oppressed nations and a commitment to international solidarity. The country’s foreign policy is deeply rooted in its own history of struggle against colonialism and its pursuit of independence, which has shaped its identity as a champion of liberation movements and justice on the global stage. This report delves into the strategies, successes, and current initiatives of Algerian diplomacy, with a particular focus on its efforts to secure full membership for Palestine in the United Nations.

Historical Context

Algeria’s modern diplomatic stance can be traced back to its war of independence from France, which concluded in 1962. The revolution not only liberated Algeria but also inspired numerous liberation movements across Africa and beyond. As a result, Algeria emerged as a vocal advocate for decolonisation, anti-apartheid, and the rights of oppressed peoples worldwide.

Diplomatic Strategies and Tactics

  1. Non-Aligned Movement (NAM): Algeria is an active member of the Non-Aligned Movement, which seeks to maintain independence from the major power blocs. This platform has allowed Algeria to advocate for the rights of developing countries and promote a multipolar world order.
  2. African Union (AU) and Arab League: Algeria has been a key player in both the African Union and the Arab League, using these platforms to push for regional stability, economic cooperation, and political solidarity among member states.
  3. Mediation and Conflict Resolution: Algeria has frequently acted as a mediator in regional conflicts, leveraging its diplomatic credibility to facilitate peace talks and negotiations. Notable examples include its involvement in the resolution of the Malian crisis and efforts to stabilise Libya.
  4. Advocacy in International Forums: Algeria consistently uses its voice in international forums, such as the United Nations, to highlight issues of injustice and advocate for the rights of oppressed peoples, including the Palestinians.

Recent Successes

  1. UN Security Council Membership: Algeria’s election to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the 2024-2025 term has significantly bolstered its diplomatic influence. This position allows Algeria to contribute to key decisions regarding international peace and security.
  2. Support for Palestine: Algeria has been a steadfast supporter of Palestinian rights and has actively campaigned for Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations. This effort aligns with Algeria’s broader policy of supporting self-determination and statehood for oppressed nations.
  3. Economic Diplomacy: Algeria has also engaged in economic diplomacy, fostering trade relationships and investment partnerships that enhance its geopolitical leverage and promote regional development.

The Palestinian Cause

Algeria’s support for the Palestinian cause is a cornerstone of its foreign policy. This support is grounded in a shared history of struggle against colonialism and occupation. Algeria views the Palestinian struggle for statehood and self-determination as a moral imperative and a continuation of its own fight for freedom. Algerian leaders have consistently called for a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, advocating for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Current Initiatives: Palestine’s Bid for UN Membership

Algeria’s current diplomatic priority is to secure full membership for Palestine in the United Nations. This initiative involves several key actions:

  1. Building International Consensus: Algeria is working to gather support from UN member states, particularly within the General Assembly, to vote in favour of Palestine’s membership. This involves extensive lobbying and diplomatic engagements.
  2. Leveraging UNSC Position: As a member of the Security Council, Algeria is using its influence to keep the issue of Palestinian statehood on the agenda, advocating for resolutions that support Palestine’s full membership and addressing obstacles that may arise.
  3. Regional Cooperation: Algeria is coordinating with Arab and African states to present a unified front in support of Palestine. This regional solidarity is crucial for demonstrating widespread backing for Palestinian membership.

Challenges and Prospects

  1. Geopolitical Obstacles: The primary challenge to Palestine’s UN membership is the opposition from key global powers, particularly the United States, which has historically vetoed such moves in the Security Council.
  2. Diplomatic Manoeuvring: Algeria must navigate complex international dynamics, balancing its advocacy for Palestine with the need to maintain constructive relations with other influential countries.
  3. Potential Outcomes: Despite these challenges, Algeria’s persistent efforts could lead to increased international recognition of Palestine and potentially pave the way for its eventual full membership in the United Nations.

Algerian diplomacy continues to be a beacon of advocacy for oppressed nations, reflecting the country’s enduring commitment to justice and international solidarity. Through strategic engagements and unwavering support for causes like Palestinian statehood, Algeria is reinforcing its diplomatic legacy and contributing to the global pursuit of equality and self-determination. The coming weeks will be critical in determining the success of Algeria’s efforts to secure full UN membership for Palestine, a milestone that would signify a significant victory for both Algerian diplomacy and the Palestinian people.

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