Carrefour is starting a cash-only fundraising effort for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria.

In support of the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, Carrefour is launching an in-cash fundraising campaign for the French Red Cross.

From 9 February 2023, all customers who wish to do so can take part in this fundraising campaign by using a €1 Gencode offered at the checkout in Carrefour shops in France. All funds will be donated to the French Red Cross to contribute, as part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement’s response, to emergency medical actions and to enable the deployment of dedicated teams to help the many injured. It will also contribute to the supply of basic necessities, adapted to the particularly harsh climatic conditions at the moment and absolutely essential for the thousands of people affected by this tragedy who no longer have a home and who need the most basic things.

The Carrefour Foundation is also coming to the aid of the victims by allocating an exceptional grant for the purchase of basic foodstuffs distributed by the government association Afad.

The Carrefour Turkey shops remain open 24 hours a day to welcome the victims and also distribute hot meals.

Internationally, the Group is also mobilising to support the victims of this earthquake. For example, Carrefour Belgium has launched a solidarity rounding scheme for all its customers, from 8 February, also for the benefit of the Red Cross, and Carrefour Italy has chosen to support the Terre des Hommes association, via a donation at the checkout.