Coronavirus All the figures on these shopping centers that will close in France

In 20189 all shopping centers generated 129 billion euros in turnover, i.e. a quarter of the retail trade, and 5% of French GDP. The approximately 830 French centers bring together 38,800 shops on 18 million m² GLA. This represents 525,000 jobs. In total, France’s shopping centers receive some 3.2 billion visits per year. Among all the shopping centers in France, Les Quatre Temps, in La Défense near Paris is the center with the most visitors, with no less than 42 million visitors per year. Next come La Part-Dieu, in Lyon (35.6 million visitors), the Forum des Halles in Paris (33.9 million visitors), Créteil Soleil, in Val-de-Marne (21 million visitors), and Evry2, in Essonne (20 million visitors).