ISN’s analyst Riad Beladi Interview Luis Farinha Vice president InovCluster
InovCluster – Association of the Agroindustrial Cluster of the Center, is headquartered at CATAA in Castelo Branco and aims to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of local and regional production systems and to the affirmation of the Central Region of Portugal at national level and international. To this end, it establishes a platform for consultation between the main players in this sector, and supports companies in processes of innovation, RTD, knowledge transfer, training, development of new products, services and processes, marketing and internationalization.
The agri-food sector represents one of the strategic lines for boosting the Portuguese economy. In the last years there has been a change in the profile of agri-food companies:
the concern with the quality of the raw material, the differentiation of the product, the focus on design and the brand, are the main elements of differentiation, so it is becoming a very competitive sector.
Portugal produces with a lot of quality and increasingly with a higher degree of innovation, worthy of trust from several international markets. The agrifood industry in Portugal is one of the sectors that is most developed and growing exponentially, promoting the incorporation of innovation in traditional products, the production of gourmet products and high added value.
Wines, olive oils and canned food are part of the Mediterranean diet. Portugal’s olive oils are awarded every year in major international competitions, wine exporters are in the top 10 of world exporters. Portuguese companies in the sector have invested in high quality standards and technological solutions to make processes more efficient and modern. These are factors in the evolution of the sector and the companies that represent it.
Exports from the agri-food sector are growing. Portugal’s climate is perfect for the production of fruits and vegetables, and therefore, national production covers the country’s demand and is capable of exporting with quantity and quality.
Digital Agriexport 4.0, under the slogan Take Portugal With You, will take place between April 12th and 23rd (Next Week), in digital format. The action is promoted by Inovcluster, and already has more than 50 importers from different international markets registered. We have buyers from Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Dubai, USA, Canada, among many others.
This international meeting is a good meeting point for international buyers to get to know what the best of what Portugal has to offer, from snacks, cheeses, canned fish, fruits and vegetables, traditional cured meat, olive oil and olives, wines and a wide range of natural and organic products.
We will display 52 producers from different sectors of Portugal. We are sure that all importers will find new partners.
It is a very good opportunity for buyers from all over the world to get to know Portuguese producers and the best that we do in Portugal, without having to travel.
You only need to contact Inovcluster by email and we will send the invitation to visit our action.