Supermarkets own Label still maintains strong position across Europe

Supermarkets Own Label still maintains strong position across Europe
market share above 30% in all but two of eighteen European countries, . Nearly half of the countries achieved a market share above 32%, while the majority showed positive market penetration.

Fresh and Frozen Milk, Milk and Health and Beauty are the 3 sectors with the highest positive growth among 18 countries.
“While taking into account the many disruptions and uncertainties amid the pandemic,” PLMA President Peggy Davies commented, “the statistics for 2020 are affirmation of consumer confidence in the retail brand.”  In the largest retail markets of Europe, Germany and the UK, the market share of private labels remains above 0% and maintains its strong position.

France recorded a significant growth of 7 points with 38.5% market share driven by sales of discounters, convenience stores
In Belgium, as found by Nielsen, the market share of retail brands decreased slightly, mainly due to a decrease in domestic confectionery and snack sales, while in the Netherlands the growth was slight to 37.1% market share. .

In Spain and Switzerland, with about 50% of the private label market share, almost half of the products sold are private labels.  The largest increase was recorded in Hungary. The country grew 1. % to 36.2% market share, the highest market share and private label growth on record.
Sweden leads Scandinavia, with its market share increasing by 1 point to 3 % for the first time, while Finland remains above 30%.
In the Mediterranean, the market share can maintain 30% position in both Turkey and Greece. In Italy, private labels continue their upward trend in 2020, reaching 22.6% market share.

According to Peggy Davies: “Private labels have been successful in maintaining their strong position, even in saturated markets, and show that private labels remain an important choice in the minds of consumers. use. In many countries, private label buyers continue to choose private labels over Abrands. “