Mercadona launches its new online shopping model in Almería

The system, so far only implemented in Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona, Murcia and Seville, involves the reorganisation of work in two of its shops in the capital.

The new digital shopping model, which since 1st February has been providing service not only in Almería city but also in Huércal de Almería, Viator, Pechina and Benahadux, is based on the experience acquired by Mercadona in its ‘Colmenas’ project, large logistics centres that serve areas with a high density of online orders. The development of its logistics activity has allowed it to create a second access model for medium-sized metropolitan areas that applies the logistics system of the beehives, which is largely automated, to another with a preparation and delivery model from the shops.

A real revolution. That is what Mercadona has rolled out in Almeria in the last two months. And it has all gone through a digital reconversion with a new shopping website and a new app for mobiles and tablets that is much more modern and  much easier to use.

For now, this model is in operation in several Spanish provinces such as Castellón, Lleida, Girona, Vitoria and Murcia. Since the end of November, when it opened on an experimental basis, Almeria has been the first Andalusian metropolitan area to have this service. Specifically, Mercadona has adapted what it has learnt in the ‘beehives’ to make the preparation and delivery process more efficient, for example by preparing several orders simultaneously thanks to a digital application and a fully automated control process, as well as using machinery with sufficient transport capacity to reduce the overexertion of the workers.